Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Day Before Christmas

It's almost Christmas time. . . and I am super excited. . . well,except that its only 75 degrees out and doesn't feel like Christmas at all!!! I do however love the Christmas tree, and the lights that I can stare at for hours at a time and just smile thinking about all the great memories around the Christmas tree. Pretty exciting.

This guy is probably the greatest kid I have ever met in forever. He amazes me every single day and its wonderful. . . I can't wait to see what's going to happen with this! I crack myself up sometimes, because of how nervous I get around him when I know that I will be great and its going to be very enjoyable, I mean, his company always is. . . but man do I ever get nervous! Like crazy nervous, to the point of loss of appetite. ME! Loss of appetite! Isn't that a mess! Anyway, I could probably talk about him ALL DAY, so we'll move on.

This past semester went real good I think. I did a lot better on grades than I did last semester. Been doing the Dairy Queen and Parking Office thing, which has tired me out like crazy. This next semester I am through with DQ and I did apply to be an RA, but haven't heard anything yet. . . But if I don't get that, I still won't be at DQ and will probably just pick up extra hours at the parking office. Not to bad, but I do know that living on campus has helped a lot with stress and driving, and even my grades, so thats all a plus. I just got to remember that life is all taken care of, that I just have to lift it all up to my Maker.

My sister has an appointment on January 5th to meet with the surgeon. Scares the mess out of me that she is this close to surgery, but then I think of all the things that could benefit for her out of all this, so again, I just have to trust Him to be in the midst of it all. Keep her in your prayers.

Well, life is hard, and gets harder everyday, but its those 1000 little moments that get you through. I'll take 1000 over 1 anyday, and I def get excited about that!


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to me!! It has been a great day! Thanks to all those who made it special!

Its almost Christmas time!! Get excited!!

Have a good one!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Try hard, Love Jesus

I have had to repeat this to myself a lot lately. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I have had to remind myself that I can't make it in life on my own. From crazy UChoir concerts, to voice class, to finals and papers, to Dr. Appts in Va. Life is tough, but I know I can't do it on my own.

There is less than a week left. (Well, then finals). Crazy huh!? This semester has gone by fast, but I can say that it has been a good one. I have done so much better with grades than last year, which is def a great thing. Working and doing other activities have left me stressed as usual but whats new?! But you know what? I will make it. I have before and today is no different.

Christmas is coming soooon! Working on Christmas cards as we speak! I get excited, because it means school is almost over, its time to get a christmas tree, and its a great time to spend with family. . . I know I already spend a lot of time with my family, but its always different. Hey, my uncle is coming the weekend of the 8th through the 10th which we are all pretty stoked about. Haven't seen him in a while, and I think it will be good for all of us. Get excited!!

The boy is wonderful. :) Get excited!

Okay, so underware shopping is becoming a fun hobby. . .lol, but what is even cooler is that today I got a $10 dollar off coupon to use during the month of my birthday from my favorite underware place! How cool is that!? Yeah, I got excited.

Well life is a mess but it will get better if we make it better. Remember the good things and find the great things everyday and it will make life tons better. Count your blessings.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New (pretty much a.d.d) Thoughts!

Is LIFE like a box of CHOCOLATES? (I mean, some days, I just can’t associate LIFE with CHOCOLATE. That could just be a sin!)

“Come on everybody, let’s go meet . . . The PANSIES!!”

: Some ways I found that I am definitely fit to be an Ed Major:
~I love cartoons and the Disney Channel.
~Phil of the Future is my favorite.
~I think pretty literally.
~Instances of this just crack me up. But CANNOT be mentioned.
~Any kind of “get together” I find myself attracted to the younger aged, rather than the ones my age.

Meditation Bracelet:
Crack me up. It was a gift from my Ma at DQ, and she def told me it was a meditation bracelet . . . which she is btw Buddhist and believes in the same God I do, which makes it even funnier.

Learning moment . . . or epiphany . . . either way you choose:
Who cares? The past is the past and CANNOT be changed. Move on. Try hard to not repeat mistakes, and LOVE Jesus. Duh.

School Days:
School is almost over. 10 more days of classes. I have a concert tomorrow that I have to be up unbelievably early to be in Gboro by 715. Makes for a long day, but it should be fun. I have done soon much better this semester too, which is def a positive . . . I sucked at life the past two, so this makes up for it lol.

All right that’s about it. . . hope your having a great week, and don’t be too distracted about where my thoughts were going on this one!!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hmm. . . Just some thoughts

I was thinking I would do something different for this one . . . but then I thought about it and it’s pretty much the same as always . . . a random bunch of Me thoughts.

Everyone has a song. . . YOUR own song . . . but has your song lost its joy? Find the joy in your song again. . . If you need help, ask. HE can show you the joy in your song again.

(Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good; he protects his people in times of trouble; he takes care of those who turn to Him) I tell you what, my God has been MORE than GOOD to me!

Why is it that we get scared? Scared of things like getting in front of a large group of people . . . scared of walking down a walkway alone . . . scared of opening up to those close to you.
Why is it that we get this way? Is it because we then have to show weakness? I was watching a TV show the other day about how a girl was running track, but she didn’t think she could handle it and wanted to quit. . .until she finally opened up to someone close to her and found out that they felt the same way. . . all the time.

Heartbreak hurts. Everyone knows this. But . . . without hurt, there is not learning and growing.

Fear of hurting someone else? Messing things up? Taking things too fast. . . I was told that if both feel that way then why be afraid? Pretty much I took it as if both are on the same sheet of music and something is done wrong, both can find the mistake and fix it before moving on. . .

If it is His will, no fear . . . Consistently ask that there is no fear . . . that its never too early or too late . . . that its okay to take your time . . . things happen for a reason and it is all in a perfect plan. HIS perfect plan. HE makes things happen.

Ladies! Hold on to your teeth!!! (A lady said this on our women’s retreat) *crack up*

Yeah, I know, random . . . but it at least gives a little of what I have been thinking about lately.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Thought of the day.


Sometimes what is on the inside isn’t always what you can see on the outside. This picture has a person you can see their whole self and then in the reflection of the window you can see something totally different; a scared face in the forward person but in the reflection a happy face. It may be usually the other way around, but this, looking at this picture randomly today, gave me a thought. Isn’t it hard to show something different on the outside than what’s on the inside? Why is it that we can’t just take what were given?

James 13-15 (The Message) says:
Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing . . . Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven—healed inside and out.

Every morning when you wake up you have 2 choices. Your first choice is that you can get out of bed and moan and grumble that you just might have to work or go to class. You could be sleepy, and complain about it all day. Make yourself so miserable that you have a terrible day, and then go to bed that night, still complaining, because of that waste of a day. Or, your second choice is that you can wake up first thing in the morning and tell yourself you are going to have a great day. This day was given to you. It was given so that it can be enjoyed and that you can be thankful for another day. Go to work, do what needs to be done and do it glad heartedly. Class is for your future. You go to school to get the information needed to fulfill your life to the fullest.

Be thankful.

You might only have so many left.

If you’re hurting, pray. If you feel great, sing. If you have sinned . . . you can be healed.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

You play with fire, you wind up burned.

Mountaintops and Valleys

I have to say that this has been the busiest, most stressful past few weeks ever!

I am still working on getting my paperwork or whatnot in for the School of Ed. It’s tripping me out because I am in the School of Ed but they still need my application form? Oh well, I just know I have till the end of the semester to turn it in. Big deal.

I got to see my special friend this past weekend, and I have to admit, I was unbelievably nervous. Don’t know why I ever get that way because I know I am really not but I sure do make a big deal about a lot of stuff on the inside.  I mean, what kind of name is Bubb Rubb anyway?! Ha-ha, Good times. . . I am hoping anyway. I hate that inner voice that is always sounding discouraging . . . for instance, this whole thing about being really far away. It’s great until I actually think about it, and then I constantly am asking myself, “is it really worth it” or “I know it seems great now, but where is this going to go?” I don’t want to sound negative or oddly discouraging, but really, where is this going to go? Then I remember that my faith relies in Him above, and that’s where I just have to let things be. My crazy, think-too-hard self has to let things be.

I got into a conversation with a great friend yesterday about missing places. I worked three very great summers at two even greater places. My first summer was spent on the mountain. Mundo’s Mountain. Phenomenal summer. I had a great time . . . but it was so hard to leave. Then the second summer was spent there again, yet this time, it really was only hard to leave a few people. I had developed friendships, but not a love for the summer like the one before. It was very stressful, but God placed people in my path that I will never in my lifetime forget the impact they had on me. They are some of my favorite people. This past summer I spent at Caswell. Amazing place. Phenomenal people. A fantastic summer. I was okay to leave however, because I knew that it wouldn’t be the last time I saw these people. It wasn’t that hard. But, this past weekend I got to see those very same people and realized it was harder to leave this time. Yeah, maybe not everyone was a good thing to see, I actually could have gone without seeing some lol. . . But there were those that also had a great impact on me that I already miss like crazy and it’s only been like 2 days!! But then I do know again that I will see them again. We were talking about mountaintops and valleys. . . Steven Curtis Chapman sings a fabulous song talking about these, and there is a link in the title where you can hear it. Just find “Mountain”. To give some of the words that really explain what “the mountain” means:

You bring me up here on this mountain
For me to rest and learn and grow
I see the truth up on the mountain And I carry it to the world far below
So as I go down to the valley
Knowing that You will go with me
This is my prayer, Lord
Help me to remember what You've shown me
Up on the mountain
Up on the mountain

I cherish these times up on the mountain
But I can leave this place because I know
Someday You'll take me home to live forever
Up on the mountain

My friend said that once people leave that you remember from the summer you have to descend back to the valley . . .or take a 4 hour drive home. You would be amazed how much you think about and talk about, by yourself, yes, in the car by yourself.

God gives me tons to think about, I just have the hardest time with straying away and getting away from my connections with him. Can’t ever be good. My prayer lately has been to allow myself to get off my own pedestal and allow him to be my source.

There really has been a lot of stress in my life here lately, and it’s my own fault. I allow my life to be so hectic that it gets completely full and I am running myself silly. School is stressful, relationships, finances, family, own needs . . . just too many. But they are getting in control, because slowly but surely I am able to lift them up and my Maker is taking the weight off my shoulders.

Sorry for such a long blog. . . Had a little bit of time and this allows me to get my thoughts out. Hope your having a fantastic week, if you are around here, enjoy the rain . . . and the great feel of tennis shoes!! ;) Take care of you.


Friday, October 13, 2006

Ready for the Beach.

So ready.


Thursday, October 05, 2006


Last year I commuted to school. . . yeah, it was a rough year, but now that I think about it, it wasn't so bad. Since I moved on campus, I can say that I have had the "college experience" where I guess you aren't experiencing college unless you live on campus? Or something like that. Well. . . I like living on campus or whatever, but sometimes I wish I could be able to just leave, and go to my home. Go back and be able to avoid some situations and even some people as bad as that sounds. Its better that I am here and have to deal with them, because otherwise I wouldn't ever learn, but man oh man do I wish I wouldn't have to deal this much. Life is great, but man the details are a mess.

I can't wait to see him. . . see you. . . Been too long since I have last seen you. . . and good gracious I don't even know what i'm gonna do when I see you!! Get excited! You know I am!!

Have a fabulous weekend!!!


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wow, crazy life!

Soooo many things have gone on the past few days. SO MANY!!

I have this choir thing on Oct 14th at Elon and I am super excited about it. The song was written by one of our pro's here and I think he has done a phenominal job at it. The song has different modes in it with Orff instruments playing in it as the choir sings, along with a liturgical dance. I am really excited about singing it, and we get to practice all together tomorrow afternoon so I am super excited! PS yeah thats the same day as the day I get to see all of my friends from FC so I am even more excited about that!

I went to the doc yesterday, something I never do, because of pretty much a week long headache. He def told me that I had muscular tension because of stress which was causing the headache. So he pretty much gave me this muscle relaxer headache pill that I am not allowed to take before driving lol. Duh. Stressed. Me. Who knew?

So I def got pulled last night. Kinda funny, but I tell you what, I about wet myself. I didn't get pulled for speeding, no, cause that would have been too easy, but I did however get pulled for not completely stopping at a red light. The one right smack dab in the middle of Lillington! Go figure. Go me. PTL for a warning.

I have to tutor for 10 hours for my Ed class this semester, and I went today for my first session. I am super excited! It was so great to get to work with kids! And the teacher I got is really great, she is a CU grad, go Camels, and loves teaching. I am really glad to get to work with her, because it not only gets my energy level up about teaching, but it is going to be great experience working in a classroom setting with 3rd graders!!

So yes, that does add yet another event in my crazy life. But its going to work out. I can do it, there is nothing I can't handle lol. . . well, I hope not! I just have to remember to take it one day at a time and remember that everyday is new and I am never alone!

Miss you tons my frrriiieeennnd!


Friday, September 29, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mmm, great day.

Today has def been a much better day. Things have gone great, had an exciting morning and am finishing out my day with a fun event.

I got the opportunity to go to my old high schools See You At The Pole this morning. It turned out great. Its really exciting to see youth on fire for our Maker. Some even brought tears to my eyes realizing that they love him.

I got a chance to spend some time with my family this morning, which is always good. . . and finally got my car inspected! Yay! (since it was due in oh, i dont know, MAY!) But it feels good to finally get that, and my ma, off my back.

I miss this kid soooo much. It breaks my heart that I can't go see him this weekend. I know I am always busy and doing something, but sometimes, I have to. Its the way I am built. I am a busy girl, and love every bit of it. I can't wait however to see him. That great face. :) Big hug is on hold for that one, and its driving me crazy that I can't have one now!! (PS, just for you, I heard "Come Just As You Are" on the radio this morning, and because of a fabulous memory, you have been on my mind ALL DAY LONG!)

Its funny how people randomly come back into your life. Two instances today where people I haven't seen or heard from in forever just randomly pop up, like driving out of the bookstore parking lot today as I was walking by. . . crazy huh?! Yeah, I though so too. But who knows. My Maker may have something in store. Just got to be patient. . . especially when it comes to a boy in Boone.

So today was a great day. I am def getting ready to take a nap, because 6oclock came really early this morning! Hope you have had a great day too!!


Monday, September 25, 2006

Bad day.

To make this day worse, I would probably have to become injured. It has been that bad.


Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A great day.

Today I can honestly say has been a pretty good day. It has been real positive. . . well except for just a bit of motivation getting out of the bed earlier than 5 minutes before class. . . but it works.

I think its great for people to change. Its the best thing ever actually. The only negative part about change is going back to old habits. I believe that you are going to mess up but that you should try to steer clear of things that you know will lead you back in the opposite direction. The only way I know that change is positive is when you try hard, and love Jesus.

I have so much going on within this semester. Honestly, the month of October is going to be crazy. Its going to be a blast, including getting to spend time with a special friieeennndd, and going to the mountains, and a beach trip, and much much more, but it will be long and I can't wait but I dread it at the same time lol. Never good, but oh so exciting!

My Ma and Sister got back on Monday. They are good, and my sister is going to have some more testing and whatnot done very soon, so if you would remember her in your prayers.

My Maker is awesome, and is with me everyday. . . couldn't be more exciting!

I hope you have a great rest of the week, and know that everyday is new, and HIS mercy is NEW EVERY MORNING!!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006


"Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D Souza. He said, "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way, so, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one.

So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy...Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt, and
Dance Like no one's watching."

(The link where this was found is in the title. . . I did not write this, but this was encouraging for me today!)


Monday, September 18, 2006

Just When I Need Him Most

Just when I need him, Jesus is near,
Just when I falter, just when I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to cheer,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him, Jesus is true,
Never forsaking all the way thro';
Giving for burdens pleasures anew,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him, Jesus is strong,
Bearing my burdens all the day long;
For all my sorrow giving a song,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him, he is my all,
Answering when upon him I call;
Tenderly watching lest I should fall,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him most,
Just when I need him most;
Jesus is near to comfort and cheer,
Just when I need him most.

Will­iam C. Poole, 1907

Friday, September 15, 2006

Another day, another glorious day!

Gosh, I miss that silly boy! To see him would probably be the best thing in the world.

My sis is still gone. . . hopefully they will be home on Monday. I definately can not wait.

Its been a busy but kinda stressful week. Tomorrow and Sunday will be so nice, because I will get to relax a bit and spend some time for "me". I know that sounds funny, but I am just one of those people who need me time, otherwise, well. . .it won't be too pretty. I just get a little "people overwhelmed". :) But thats just me~

My Maker has been working a lot in me lately. He is allowing me to see things in a different aspect rather than I guess how I have originally viewed things. For example, a silly boy, and not being able to see him, and I guess getting frusterated with it because we just can't find time to get together. I hate that. But, I have been really trying to trust in HIM to know whether or not this is what He has in store, and just believing in HIM to bring us together. I honestly really really hope that we are something He has planned, cause this guy has to be the most amazing person ever~! Just the things he says, and the little notes he leaves with things that I can read and smile over because I know he is thinking about me, and well, since I can't see him, all I can do is talk to him and email and whatnot. . . but I tell you what, lately my day wouldnt be complete without hearing from him in some way, preferably his voice :) hehe, but it really wouldnt be complete. I just look forward to that all the time, and honestly, I love every bit of it! But all I can do is keep looking up, otherwise it wouldn't have come this far~

Days are great, and things keep getting better. All I can do is thank my Maker though, cause I have definately had nothing to do with it!

"You don't even know what tomorrow will bring-what your life will be! For you are a bit of smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, 'If the LORD wills, we will live and do this or that'". James 4:14-16


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Great Times!

This is the greatest girl you will ever meet in your life. I am really kinda worried about her though. . .but oh God has so much in store for her and I can't wait to see what that is! I love her to death, and honestly would give all that I am for her. She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for! (and an even better sister) You should be jealous, cause she is my sister and not yours!! :) Keep her in your prayers this week. . . she is having some testing and monitoring done in UVa and I really hope this is a positive step! I think it has already brought her self esteem up ginormously and she has become so brave!

Yay for a brave and wonderful sister!


Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Lighter Side of the VA Trip.

(I will finish the other one later.)

VA Trip

Skunks are bad, they are NOT your friends.
About 3 Starbucks trips.
Sketch-city RR stop.
Dinner at a smelly Wendy's.
Random "friend" chit-chats.
Scary fog (Scary frog) ((Scary tree)).
"Oh, I didn't know we were going to the mountains!"
"Look at him passing me like a maniac. Why didn't I think of that?"
3 point turns in mid traffic
Su madre.
Su madre loco.
"I pissed it, oops I mean I missed it!"
Nurkle head.
"Now hiring 3 BBQ bacon jack melts (for 3.99)."
Today, I learned how to stop at crosswalks.
"McDonald's, Eat Fresh!"
"He had some fuzzy thing sticking out from his butt."
"YOU are the froth of my coffee."
"YOU are the caramel of my latte."
Oh, toilet seats.
"I don't know if he knows or not, but it's clear glass."

Okay, so if you didn't know, my sis had a doctor appointment at UVa on Thursday, so me ma and her took off and had a blast. The testing went well, but just keep her in your prayers! :)


"Love is stronger than any addiction. . . hell, it is one" - Madea

If there is one thing I have learned from a movie, it has to be from Madea. Yeah, she/he whatever is a strange character, but her quotes and thoughts have to be the greatest thing I have heard. Great times.

There have been a few things lately that I have really been struggling with. I feel like a teeter-totter. . . you know, at one point you and Abba are right there together and your allowing him to guide you, and then right after that you are back where you started and are trying to do things on your own. Well, as I was talking about this to Him, this song continues to come to mind. . . I included the majority of the lyrics:

**When I cannot feel, when my wounds don't heal
Lord I humbly kneel, hidden in You
Lord, You are my life so I don't mind to die
Just as long as I am hidden in You

If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me
Nothing could touch me though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by

When I know I’ve sinned when I should have been
Crying out my God and hidden in you
Lord I need you now, more than I know how
So I humbly bow, hidden in you

If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me
Nothing could touch me though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by**

I know the only way I will ever make it through is to take time just to sit, just to listen and to hear what my Maker is telling me. . . I have to keep telling myself that I can't do it on my own and everytime I feel that way, this song keeps coming to mind and it allows me to remember to sit and to listen and to stop trying to do things my way.

I have had a great first few weeks of school. Its amazing the difference in commuting and living on campus. I love my roomate, I couldnt have asked for a better one! I have made some great friends, and continued to develop friendships with ones from before.

I got the chance to have a conversation with a friend the other night, and we were just talking about risks and why its good to take them sometimes. I haven't been a big risk taker lately. . . I guess its out of fear of being hurt again. One thing he told me though was basically that I will never get over that fear of getting hurt unless I put myself in a place where there are possibilities. No, its not saying that I should hold up a sign that says "I am ready for disaster" but it is telling me that I should just put the past behind me and look at today. Yeah, the past seems to still be around, for instance a phone call the other morning that about made me wet myself. . .but who knows. . . I won't unless I take a risk. . .or for better word, a chance. Take that opportunity and go with it. (When I am given the opportunity, I will know, and then I can go with it!)

I miss caswell. I miss the family feeling, my kids, the long walks or jogs on the beach when I needed "me" time. . . I miss the feeling of being home there. But I tell you what, I may not be there right now, but it is definately in my heart and constantly in my thoughts. I guess the roads of Buies Creek for my "me" time is good enough. :)

Well its pretty late. . . starting to sound like my friieenndd staying up so late. By the way, great guy. Amazing guy. (I mean, he fits my standards hehe). Anyway, hopefully I will get to write again soon. . . well this is kind of a long one, so it may be a while!


Saturday, September 02, 2006

An Update

School is going great. Enjoying every minute of it. Already worn out, but thats how it goes. I am debating now on whether or not I want to double major. I was talking to my ma about it and she thinks it would be a good idea cause I could do it, but I think now my issue is getting past the talking about it part and actually getting into the classes. Pretty much it might only take a semester or so, but once I get past the actually getting into the major I will be okay. But til then. . .

The weather has been phenominal the past two days. Yeah, I know its been that tropical hurricane thing. . . but have you looked at the sky? Its been beautiful. There were a bunch of really grey clouds but over some trees there was blue sky and the sun was peeking through. Absolutely fabulous.

"Something so great, you just cant keep it to yourself." He is amazing. I miss him tons. Yeah, I don't like to admit it, because I definately don't want another heartbreak. . . and its not like he is 5 bagillion miles away. Anyway. . . just gotta keep telling myself that if our paths are meant to cross, then they will.

Respect is something I think needs to be earned. Once earned it can be lost. Can be lost quick. I am not a fan of the church kid-school kid appearance. I personally believe that you should be one way all the time. It honestly doesnt bother me which way, cause at least you are one person all the time. But this past week I have definately lost a bit of respect to a few people I actually looked up to at one point in time. Kinda sad, but I know as long as I stay one way all the time, I am okay.

Well I guess this is all for now. . . will try to get another update soon!


Thursday, August 24, 2006

One Passion

Give me one pure and holy passion.
And give me one magnificent obsession.
Give me one glorious ambition for my life.
To know and to follow hard after you.

To know and follow hard after you,
To grow as your disciple in your truth.
This world is empty, pale, and poor
Compared to knowing you my Lord
Lead me on, and I will run after you.

I want a pure, passion. I want what was placed in my heart. A passion to follow and to lead the way that I have been told. Given all that I have been given, my return should be to use it to glorify Him. To grow in truth. Run. Find your passion. Run with it.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Haha, School.

I get to move into school tomorrow. Big changes, not the school part, but the living there part. I commuted last year, just for the fun of it, but this year I have a dorm room with a roomate and a bunch of other girls. I know I won't have any problems and that I will be fine, but its the fact that pretty much, I am moving out. I will be back yeah, but it won't be the same. I am excited however. Big chance to continue to grow up, to establish who I am and what I am. Its gonna be good. I actually can't wait, but on the other hand, yes I can.

This guy is amazing. Don't quite know why he was brought in my life, but I don't regret one second since I met him. He has such a huge heart, which is something I absolutely adore. Yeah, he is a guy, but hello, I don't expect him to be any different. I just hope that if we are supposed to be together that I will be who I need to be for him. My Maker had/has plans for this, and whatever it is, I have to keep control of my head. Can't lose it. Don't want to lose it, unless its like a metaphor and I am losing my head over him. :) (Good thing, ps)

Camp is over. Back to the real world. No Caswell bubble anymore. I went and worked a bit with my job at school today and can't believe how much I missed it. I love the interaction with people. Yeah, its a pretty lame job, and I get to work with fun people, haha jk, but I do love it. I think I start back at DQ on monday, which is good, tiring, but good. I miss it there too. Again, the interaction with people. Yeah, at Caswell I did interact, but with children, and as much as I loved it and want to continue to do that, interaction with people my own age is a bit different. School will be great this semester. I may be completely exhausted after two jobs, full class load, and a bunch of late nights with a special friiieeennndd. . . which btw, I can't wait to see. Its gonna be good and I am pumped.

Well I guess thats it for today. Move in tomorrow, may not be able to write again for a bit, but since when is that ever an issue? :)


Thursday, August 17, 2006

One More Day

"Last Night I had a crazy dream
Wish was granted just for me,
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money, or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished for one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do is pray for time to crawl
I'd unplug the telephone, and keep the TV off
I'd hold you every second, say a million I Love You's
Thats what I'd do, with one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day....
Leave me wishing still, for one more day With you."

This song happened to come up the last day of camp. While packing, I had borrowed a friieennd of mine's cd's of his choirs singing and all of a sudden this song plays. Well it took me a few minutes, but then I realized it was him who was the soloist in this song. It was phenominal. Well, either way, this song now holds a true meaning. I keep wishing for one more day. One more time. You get the picture. But it is also true in saying that it would leave me wishing still for one more day.

Since when is one more day not good enough? Every day is a blessing. We should be thankful for the days we have. For those sunsets, friendships, all of those blessings. Makes me sad, yes, because I do wish to see him often, but I had a fabulous summer and even though we are now far away, I still hold those moments together close to me so that eventually I will learn that there is no need to wish for another day.

Just some thoughts.


Friday, August 11, 2006


*There is this song about "Do they see Jesus in me?" and it has actually just popped in my head. Sometimes I go on just knowing what my Maker can do for me and just thinking about it, but then there are times where I don't feel it at all. Times where we can sing a song about him and get "God bumps" and know that he is right there and being able to feel Him right there with me, and then there are those other times where I know He is able to do anything and that I can count and call on Him for the desires of my heart, but I only know that. Don't feel it. I encourage those who read this to make sure you find your Maker in all that you do. Don't just go through the motions of knowing it, but truely feel it.

*This is the last full day of Camp Seabreeze. No more after today until possibly next summer. I am completely excited, yet completely exhausted. I fell asleep looking at stars last night and barely remember coming back to get in my bed. I honestly don't think I made it into the covers, lol. I have tried to give as much as I can and it has definately drained me. But thats okay. My purpose here is not to catch up on some sleep, or to make sure I am happy or even okay, but to be here for the kids that come everyday to Camp Seabreeze and want to be able to enjoy the summer they have. So as it is time for our last day, and then one and a half more I am back home. Back home to go back to the hard long days of school and working, and trying to fit everything in. It will probably be just as hard as it is here, but I can guarantee it will be a whole new idea. Summer is almost over and I have enjoyed every last second of it.

*I am gonna miss my twin from here. She is so great. We have so much in common and have had a blast this summer. Yeah, there are a few hard times. . . or may I say, hard people. . . to work with, but after a few nights at San Felipe and McDonald's trips, I think we have overcome it and allowed us to enjoy the summer with no major issues. Its gonna be hard though, cause she definately lives in Florida and goes to Gardner-Webb, but it works. Many, many, many road trips will be made!

*There is a boy. No I do not like him, and yep, thats probably a lie, but I have to tell myself that. He is such a great guy, with a great heart and he loves Jesus, but there is something about him that, I dont know, but there is something that everyone sees on the outside but when getting to know him, some of the things he portrays are not really anything like him. No, I don't want to date him, well, for one, I still get that nervous stomach feeling when I think about it, and two, I have to wait and see if its a God thing or not. He is a neat guy and friends with him are probably the best thing. . . it is the best thing.

*Last thing. I am going home to a mess. I miss my ma and my sister terribly, along with my church family, but things that I get to go back to I am kinda dreading. I get to go back to two great leaders of the church leaving, and then to a friend that has completely lost his mind and has moved away, and then a school financial issues, which I know every college kid deals with. . . but to look at it the way I do is okay, because one thing I have learned to do is to trust that my Maker can handle it and that there is nothing going to go on that doesn't have a purpose.

Thanks for listening. . . definately a 40 minute blog, lol.


Monday, July 24, 2006

Almost The End

Well summer is almost over. . . we took our staff picture this morning (which btw I def don't look good in a polo) and we have started week 9. It has been fabulous. God has taught me so much about Him and how I should be working for Him and not for me, and that He is my Anchor. I feel like I have grown up a lot this summer, not just having to live on my own but also just in the things I have learned. I have learned never to leave your bottle of hair gel on the counter and take a nap during staff house clean up because then it will get thrown away. . . I will never again eat the pork from our cafe. . . I will learn that 8:30 is a fabulous time to get up and never complain about the early morning. . . and I will learn that a friendship is worth so much more than anything else, but I am def still working on that! :) It has been a great summer. We have had this ONE summer to do our ONE mission with this ONE staff, and I couldn't have been given a better one. I am looking forward to this year. . . a year filled with new things and a new outlook on something from before, but one thing I don't think I will ever forget is the people I have met this summer, the relationships that were built, and the memories of things I could never explain in words.

Caswell 2006
Ephesians 4:1-7


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Life is good.

Things are getting better all the time. . . I just have to remember now that it is not me that makes it that way. It is my Maker, and ALL Him. Def need tons of sleep and some Jessica time, but that will happen this weekend. Pray hard. Gotta make it through the week. Love my job, but growing weary. Sad day!!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Questions. . .

I def have a question. . . this past week or so, I have been really struggling with my past. . . and getting over my past or what not. There are things that I know I have been forgiven for, but it still lingers, and I almost feel like I'm not worthy of being forgiven or whatever. I know I messed up and I know I will again, but how can I feel like its going to be okay? Just really bothering me that I feel like I can't forgive myself.

Pray. . . I know thats my answer. My Maker is fabulous. You should meet Him. :)


Friday, June 16, 2006


Camp is great. I absolutely love it. I have had a great week, which was my first week of campers. They have been great, and I know the rest of the summer will be fabulous.

I am really a chicken. I don't really want to make a commitment, or get too involved that I get hurt. I don't want another heartbreak. But who knows. A good friend of mine told me that if both of us are looking up we will know if our paths are supposed to come together or not. But who will ever know if we aren't looking up?

I burnt my nose. It hurts. Will be wearing more sunscreen on there from now on!

I love home. I miss home. My ma and sis are coming here in 2 weeks. I can't wait. I am soooo excited. I really do miss home, but I def know this is exactly where my Maker wants me to do.

Length is a human term, not God's.

Either way, I hope this updates a bit. We will find out I guess. Don't really know who the anon. commenter is, but it kinda scares me. :)



Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I know I just posted, but I am in the middle of my 3rd day of Caswell, and I have to say its fabulous. I am meeting tons of new people, and absolutley love my job. I may not do it again, cause its def a hard one, but I know I will enjoy it this summer. My job is camp seabreeze, and I get to work with kindergarten and first graders. . . which is great, but either way. I am having fun, and would love to hear from you!

Ps if you want my addres syou have to call or ask my sis :)

I would love to hear from you. . . so you should write or call or whatnot. :) Yall have fun and know I miss you tons!!


Monday, May 29, 2006

Have a fantastic summer!

I'm gone! Fort Caswell for the summer!! If you want my address, my sis (krssybutns on aim) will have it for you if you call her and suck up! Have fun!


Sunday, May 21, 2006

10 days

I have less than 10 days left til I go to camp. I don't even think I could describe the feelings that I am feeling right now. So excited, yet nervous. I hope I am good at this job. I love kids! I love the beach! I think this would be okay.

Well I just thought I would write. . . have a great week!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

It is well, With my soul

There was this guy. He had 5 kids and a wonderful wife. His only son, who was 4, he lost because of scarlet fever. The other 4, obviously girls, and his wife were on a ship one day to meet up with him. Well, the ship wrecked with another ship, and sadly he lost his 4 girls. His wife survived. Later, he and his wife were on their way to another place, and the captain of the ship called him aside and said that they were now passing over the place where the other ship had gone down. The man went to his cabin, but found it hard to sleep. He said to himself "It is well; the will of God be done."

When peace like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say "It is well, It is well, with my soul." My sin, O the bliss of this glorious tho't, My sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul! O, Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound and the Lord shall decend, "Even so" it is well with my soul. It is well, with my soul, It is well, It is well, with my soul.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Feels like Kindergarten. . . .again. . .

So, there are a few things I have learned in the past few months:

One, ants hurt when they bite. Stay far, far away.
Two, while working at Dairy Queen, it seems to be okay to walk around singing "POP goes the Wesiel" all day long. (It makes it even more fun when other people start to sing along with you)
Three, playing cards is fun. . . when your winning.
Four, getting out of school is great. But, it makes you realize how much you miss from not being there. (I miss Feather!)
Five, hateful attitudes develop because of: 1. Too much sleep. 2. Being around the same people for insane amounts of time.
Six, life moves pretty fast. I move out to Caswell at the end of this month, then come back in August, four days before I move into the dorms. It moves very quickly.
Seven, summertime is exciting, I have seen and talked to quite a few of my friends from HS. Super exciting.
Eight, I found out the other day that one of my ex's is getting married. Happy for him, but wow. . . I dont quite know why it isn't settling with me. I didn't want to get married yet. . . guess that is what he was after after all.

So, there are a few things that have been on my mind lately. Thought I would share!! Hope your weekend goes great!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Choir Spring Concert

This is hilarious. I look extrememly bored in all of my pictures!! Haha, even though I was only bored half of the concert! For your viewing pleasure. . . (well maybe)


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

Today is Bing Crosby's birthday!! Yes, he is no longer alive, but I still think that's pretty cool! Happy Birthday Bing!!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Yeah. Right

Today has been a super long day. We had our annual town of Spring Lake Spring Fling today. Yes, in the rain and everything. It started out great, with tons of people, and absolutely adorable little guys in their uniforms ready to play some ball. Well, it did rain. Quite a bit. I was drenched. Head to toe, squeaky shoes, yeah. Drenched. It was still fun though. What was supposed to last from 8 to 7 went from 8 to about 1230.

Work tonight was alright. It was hot, long, and I had to cook. But it works.

Two weeks of school left. Two weeks and I am no longer a freshman. How exciting! No more western civ!! Yay!! :) I can't wait. This week, finals, a few weeks of working, then the beach. Woh, exciting!

I know this might sound kinda funny. . . but I have had to attempt to explain why I think friendships are good for me for right now. Twice in one week actually. I don't mind, because it is kind of flattering. . .but I guess just getting my point across that I haven't been single for a long time, and these past few months have been so great. I get this feeling every time I like someone and it gets kind of serious. This uneasy feeling like something isn't right. Like I am in the wrong place, wrong time. I hate that feeling. I hate feeling like I have to let another person down. I just know that if it is the right guy at the right time, I won't get that feeling. So for now, I think my best route is to make friends. Close, good, fun friendships that won't be something to make me fall farther from my relationship with my maker. . . This is definately what I want. When the right guy is there, I wont get that feeling anymore. I know I won't.

Well, just another day. Tomorrow is going to be exciting. We have homecoming at my church. Big deal. I am really excited. I have to sing with my sister, but I think it will be okay. I am really excited because people I haven't seen in forever are going to be there! Well I hope it goes well, and I will have to write about it later.

For now, it is getting about that time for bed. Long days ahead. . .need my beauty sleep~!


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another Week at CU

Life gets harder and harder every day. . . I feel like I am sinking lower and lower into my own hole, one I created, and I don't know how to get out of it.

Things have been going good. My ho friend is back on his feet again, which is always exciting. . . I am getting along with my mom, which is always a good thing. . . I absolutely love McGoof, who has def been my human-savior lately. . . just someone to spend time with thats fun. Much needed. Love it acutally.

So, I know I have talked before about dating. I guess I have made my point to myself that I enjoy being single. . . but then there is that one time where if that one guy wanted to be in a relationship I would be all for it. But I def am enjoying my friendships more than anything. Its great.

School is almost out, and Caswell time is almost here!! I can't wait! Finals are the first week of may. . .then I leave for the beach May 29th! Super exciting!!

Well you have a fabulous rest of your week, and I will write again very soon!!


Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I struggle a lot with the fact that God is in control and not me. I hate feeling like I am stuck and don't know what I should do or what I should say. What do you do when you feel like you want to go for something, but you are afraid that it is only a fluke and isn't really the thing to do? Or maybe it is the thing you should do, but you are too scared that it isnt going to go well? These are the kinds of things that frusterate me.

Got a packet of papers from Caswell and oh am I excited! All summer at the beach hanging out with kids. . . I think this is a fabulous place for me. Leave at the end of May and don't get back until August. . . Exciting? Absolutely.

I meet tons of new people everyday. I really enjoy getting to know new people. There are actually a few that I really would like to get to know more, but that goes back to my comment above. I have a hard time with falling for people. I get it really bad, but I hate it and how it makes me feel like a little kid, so I try not to do anything about it, and basically talk myself out of it. Its funny, because the ones that I have great friendships with are the ones that I have talked myself out of a "crush" on them. Kinda exciting, but frusterating at the same time. Relationships never seem to go to the positive with me. . . had some rough ones. . . been brought up with the knowledge of hurt and how angry I am with my father, and I think that has to do a lot with me and not wanting to get hurt again. I havent really been thinking about him but recently and ever since I got out of two very hard relationships, I have been thinking about how they aren't even worth it sometimes. How can you hurt someone? Well, if you ask the past fellas they could probably tell me how. . . I feel like I am rambling. . . well, yeah I am.

All in all, I do have a hard time making myself just want to be friends, because I know that is always the right way to go, but then I would like to know more. . . but thats where I just have to wait.

I watched "The Perfect Man" today. Not literally, but the movie. . . and the mom said something that stuck in my mind. I actually wrote it down. . . "New people are only new for a day. After that, they are just people. People who will excite you, disappoint you, scare you a little bit. Its tempting to run away when that happens. Its good for avoiding things. But the problem is, you end up avoiding yourself, avoiding people you love. You end up avoiding life."

You guys have a fabulous rest of your week. . . thanks for reading my ramble~


Monday, March 27, 2006

Random Thoughts

I drink non-alcoholic beverages.

What did one little boy say to the other little boy?
You're a fun guy!

I dont really know what was on my mind. . .but I thought I would share. Okay, if you don't get the little boy joke, it is supposed to be what did one mushroom say to the other? Your a fungi! Get it? Yeah, my sister cracked me up asking what one little boy said to the other.

Life is getting harder, but it gets better as the semester goes on. Its great actually. Wouldn't change it for the world. Wait, this is my world.

I am going to go play baseball with a 5 year old.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Positive and Encouraging

The title of my blog is "Fabulous You". (Obviously). One thing that made me want this title is to bring some encouragement to someone else. Yeah, my life is not always the way it should be, but in reality, who's is? Just knowing that what I put on here is in my life, someone may be looking at it and thinking, hey, I've been there too. I guess I just wanted to put this here to let others know that they are not alone.

I am a big "Air 1" fan. You should listen. In Fayetteville/Spring Lake, NC the radio station is 89.3. If you are not in this area, and have access to a computer (BTW if you're reading this, you have no excuse) go to the link at the top and listen online. There are lyrics and all sorts of fun stuff. Its positive and encouraging air1.

Just some more ideas of how to help make life a little easier. Some are helpful. Others may not be as much help. You can look, or you don't have to. Its all you.

1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.
5. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
6. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.
7. Take one day at a time.
8. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.
9. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
10. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
11. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.
12. Get enough rest.
13. Eat right.
14. Get organized so everything has its place.
15. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
16. Every day, find time to be alone.
17. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
18. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope isoften a good "Thank you Jesus."
19. Laugh.
20. Laugh some more!
21. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
22. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the bestthey can).
23. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).
24. Talk less; listen more.
25. Slow down.
26. Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before. GOD HAS A WAY OF TURNING THINGS AROUND FOR YOU. "If God is for us, who can be against us?"(Romans 8:31)

You have a great day!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Choir Tour 2006

What: CU Choir Tour
When: March 2, 2006 thru March 9, 2006
Where: OBX NC
Who: Hmm obviously the University Choir, but I may be wrong.

After having second thoughts about going on tour, this week was completely different than I thought it would be. We went to several churches and a shopping mall to sing. Pretty exciting huh? The friendships I made and the fun I was able to have still blows my mind. I guess God wanted me to see things in a different light, and I was really able to. It was really a fabulous trip, but I am so glad to be home and be able to rest a bit and see some of my friends and family here. I wouldnt take back this trip for anything.

We had to stay each night with a different "host home" which was a family that had offered to house a few of us in the choir for the night. Great homes actually. I stayed with Megan. Great girl. Became really good friends because of it. God showed me a lot throughout the events that occured in the trip. Dont want to say what they are but I have basically learned that I really need to trust in him to direct me.

Last night when I got home, I had to meet with my small group, for the 40 days of purpose campaign that my church is doing. For my first meeting I was able to really enjoy just learning and spending time with more people. I am really excited about what else is going to happen throughout the rest of the semester.

Well, got two more days without my family here with me, but I needed some ME time definately.

I'm out~


Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Today is the day. Today is Feb 27, 2006. The only Feb 27, 2006 you get. Make the most of it.

Days get harder and harder. One day you think you are finally caught up, but the next day you realize you are now a day behind. School, work, church, friends, babysitting, work, sleep. . . the list just gets longer. I can handle it though.

I am so excited about this summer. As the days keep going, I get more and more excited! I cant wait to see what God has in store for me, or even for all of us that will be there! Great fun!

I am getting ready to leave on a Choir Tour with the CU choir. . . I think I am excited. . .but that may be just because I get to go and travel, and sing, and hang out with people, which all I really like to do. Lets hope it turns out as good as I think it will.

Life is good. Its moving on whether your ready or not. (Key: be ready)

So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.
Matthew 6:34 NLT


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Oh! Crazy Days!

Lately, every day has been crazier than the one before. When will all this madness end!? No, but for serious. I have been either frusterated or completely overwhelmed everyday for the past 2 weeks. School is frusterating, so is work, and it really is all my fault. Priorities are a little gone, and thats it. Now its just putting them all back together.

Went to interview weekend, and it went pretty good. Met lots of people, got to see some of my friends from the past summer(s), so it definately works. I got hired to work at Caswell, which I am super excited! After going through the interviews and stuff, that one was my favorite. Definately excited that is where I will be spending my summer.

Every day gets longer and harder, but I can go on. I will. I have no choice actually :). Well I guess this is all for now. Just wanted to give a little update!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.

Wow, Valentines day. Crazy isn't it? Good crazy. A fun kind of crazy. I enjoy it. :)

Today while working, I know there were at least 50 vases of flowers delivered to the students. Thats exciting! You know the feeling. . . you find a dozen roses or an assortment of great flowers, and they are for you. From someone special. The faces of the ones who came to pick them up were happy. That inner joy comes out from something as simple as a flower.

I enjoyed my day. I went to my classes and worked, and then babysat the greatest kids in the world, got in yet another big arguement with my sister. . .yeah, I enjoyed my day. But all the same, just another day in the neighborhood.

Interview weekend is this weekend. I am super excited. I get to see one of my favorite people! I just pray it goes well and that I can be placed in a job that will best fit for the plans for the summer.

Well, I guess that is pretty much it. . . living life day to day, trying not to worry about things of the past or things of the future, but just today. Tomorrow, I will think about tomorrow. Life will get better. Just gotta take it one step at a time.


Thursday, February 02, 2006


February. Already. Minor note, Choco Cherry Love is the Blizzard of the month. Just a FYI.

School isn't going too bad. Getting ready for my week of tests.

This past weekend, the UC had the "Spring Choir Retreat". Honestly, I was dreading it OH so much. But I got there, and after singing and playing some games and eating, I really ended up having a good time. This semester with Choir is going to be a lot of fun. I think I make myself crazy about stupid little things.

Coffee and Diet Pepsi get me in trouble. I have become so addicted to caffeine that when I realized I was gaining a little bit of weight, I decided to quit drinking it so much. Well these past few days have been terrible. You never know how addicted to it you get until you stop it for a while. Its pretty bad when you have to drink a cup of coffee just to make it through the day.

I think I am going to skip Valentines day this year. I have had a lot of things on my mind about dating, and I havent been single for soooo long and these past few months have been good and bad. Yeah, its a long process, learning and developing better relationships with my friends that I have messed up before, but I am glad. No dating for right now and fixing my relationship part of my life seems like a good idea.
Anyway. . . Ok so these fellas went swimming in the ocean over new years. . . Yeah, I took pictures, but it was funny. I think at one point I was talking to someone about people actually swimming in the cold ocean. Crazy? Absolutely.

Well I am done for now.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Round 2

Spring already. . . my 2nd semester in college. So far everything has gone well. I enjoy pretty much all of my classes, um maybe not one, but the rest of them anyway. Lots to do and to learn, and I have to get back into thinking mode.

New things have come into play since the new year began. Met some pretty fun people. . . got my classes all together. . . enjoyed spending time with great people so far, and I know that there is a lot more that this semester will hold.

I have applied to work at another camp this summer, not Mundo Vista, but Caswell. I sent in a tape for the praise team and everything so we will see how all of that turns out. I will miss Mundo but I think a change will be great. Dont know if that will happen, who knows I could end up at Mundo again, but either way, its gonna be different and fun and it will be worth it.

I have had tons on my mind lately. Lots of things dealing with me, with school, dealing with other people, relationships- all that I have had on my mind before, but now it seems as if it has become more clear that I really need to work on my people skills. . . I guess it would have to be getting called heartless. How can someone truely be heartless?

Makes you think. . . well me anyway. I get angry with things, and I get frusterated with stuff, and I will probably tell you if I get mad, but that shouldnt be a reason to call me heartless. Yeah and I am not very fond of the person that did, however, I still love and care for him like he is my brother, but I really dont like him at all. Yeah, but we are done with that one.

Well I guess this is all for now. . . I will hopefully have time to talk more later. . . Not that anyone cares~ :)


Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year Already?

Wow, this past year has gone by so fast! I graduated high school, worked away a summer at a fabulous camp, finally got into school, and then finished my first semester. I just cant believe it!

This past weekend was probably the best ever. I went to a Big God Conference in Myrtle Beach. We left on Friday and got back last night. Fabulous way to spend new years by the way.

It didnt start out a great weekend though. I went with so much on my mind. So much that I felt like I just couldnt handle. It almost put me in this weird quiet mood. (and yeah thats super odd for me).

So much happened though. We had a bunch of music and great bands come and play, and then some fabulous speakers. Each one had a different story and gave a different truth about some things in life. Choices, lies, image, dating, opportunities, and tomato soup.

One weekend that started out being dreaded, became a weekend that gave me a new look on what can happen in my life, what I make of it and how I can't do it on my own.

It is a new year. . . and its going to be a great year.

Yay for Daniel!!
