Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wow, crazy life!

Soooo many things have gone on the past few days. SO MANY!!

I have this choir thing on Oct 14th at Elon and I am super excited about it. The song was written by one of our pro's here and I think he has done a phenominal job at it. The song has different modes in it with Orff instruments playing in it as the choir sings, along with a liturgical dance. I am really excited about singing it, and we get to practice all together tomorrow afternoon so I am super excited! PS yeah thats the same day as the day I get to see all of my friends from FC so I am even more excited about that!

I went to the doc yesterday, something I never do, because of pretty much a week long headache. He def told me that I had muscular tension because of stress which was causing the headache. So he pretty much gave me this muscle relaxer headache pill that I am not allowed to take before driving lol. Duh. Stressed. Me. Who knew?

So I def got pulled last night. Kinda funny, but I tell you what, I about wet myself. I didn't get pulled for speeding, no, cause that would have been too easy, but I did however get pulled for not completely stopping at a red light. The one right smack dab in the middle of Lillington! Go figure. Go me. PTL for a warning.

I have to tutor for 10 hours for my Ed class this semester, and I went today for my first session. I am super excited! It was so great to get to work with kids! And the teacher I got is really great, she is a CU grad, go Camels, and loves teaching. I am really glad to get to work with her, because it not only gets my energy level up about teaching, but it is going to be great experience working in a classroom setting with 3rd graders!!

So yes, that does add yet another event in my crazy life. But its going to work out. I can do it, there is nothing I can't handle lol. . . well, I hope not! I just have to remember to take it one day at a time and remember that everyday is new and I am never alone!

Miss you tons my frrriiieeennnd!


1 comment:

Heather said...

All I have to say is, please don't get anymore water bills, miss snorts.