Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A great day.

Today I can honestly say has been a pretty good day. It has been real positive. . . well except for just a bit of motivation getting out of the bed earlier than 5 minutes before class. . . but it works.

I think its great for people to change. Its the best thing ever actually. The only negative part about change is going back to old habits. I believe that you are going to mess up but that you should try to steer clear of things that you know will lead you back in the opposite direction. The only way I know that change is positive is when you try hard, and love Jesus.

I have so much going on within this semester. Honestly, the month of October is going to be crazy. Its going to be a blast, including getting to spend time with a special friieeennndd, and going to the mountains, and a beach trip, and much much more, but it will be long and I can't wait but I dread it at the same time lol. Never good, but oh so exciting!

My Ma and Sister got back on Monday. They are good, and my sister is going to have some more testing and whatnot done very soon, so if you would remember her in your prayers.

My Maker is awesome, and is with me everyday. . . couldn't be more exciting!

I hope you have a great rest of the week, and know that everyday is new, and HIS mercy is NEW EVERY MORNING!!


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