Saturday, April 22, 2006

Yeah. Right

Today has been a super long day. We had our annual town of Spring Lake Spring Fling today. Yes, in the rain and everything. It started out great, with tons of people, and absolutely adorable little guys in their uniforms ready to play some ball. Well, it did rain. Quite a bit. I was drenched. Head to toe, squeaky shoes, yeah. Drenched. It was still fun though. What was supposed to last from 8 to 7 went from 8 to about 1230.

Work tonight was alright. It was hot, long, and I had to cook. But it works.

Two weeks of school left. Two weeks and I am no longer a freshman. How exciting! No more western civ!! Yay!! :) I can't wait. This week, finals, a few weeks of working, then the beach. Woh, exciting!

I know this might sound kinda funny. . . but I have had to attempt to explain why I think friendships are good for me for right now. Twice in one week actually. I don't mind, because it is kind of flattering. . .but I guess just getting my point across that I haven't been single for a long time, and these past few months have been so great. I get this feeling every time I like someone and it gets kind of serious. This uneasy feeling like something isn't right. Like I am in the wrong place, wrong time. I hate that feeling. I hate feeling like I have to let another person down. I just know that if it is the right guy at the right time, I won't get that feeling. So for now, I think my best route is to make friends. Close, good, fun friendships that won't be something to make me fall farther from my relationship with my maker. . . This is definately what I want. When the right guy is there, I wont get that feeling anymore. I know I won't.

Well, just another day. Tomorrow is going to be exciting. We have homecoming at my church. Big deal. I am really excited. I have to sing with my sister, but I think it will be okay. I am really excited because people I haven't seen in forever are going to be there! Well I hope it goes well, and I will have to write about it later.

For now, it is getting about that time for bed. Long days ahead. . .need my beauty sleep~!


1 comment:

Heather said...

Another long day today, but nice. More ball, more fun, more running, sliding mud!

Sophomore living on campus with a car that has new oil in it... right?

Enjoy your juries, I'm sure they will be wonderful :)