Thursday, February 23, 2006

Oh! Crazy Days!

Lately, every day has been crazier than the one before. When will all this madness end!? No, but for serious. I have been either frusterated or completely overwhelmed everyday for the past 2 weeks. School is frusterating, so is work, and it really is all my fault. Priorities are a little gone, and thats it. Now its just putting them all back together.

Went to interview weekend, and it went pretty good. Met lots of people, got to see some of my friends from the past summer(s), so it definately works. I got hired to work at Caswell, which I am super excited! After going through the interviews and stuff, that one was my favorite. Definately excited that is where I will be spending my summer.

Every day gets longer and harder, but I can go on. I will. I have no choice actually :). Well I guess this is all for now. Just wanted to give a little update!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you have no choice... and that's a good thing. If we had a choice about whether to face the next day, too often I think we'd (well, I know I would) chicken out... missing the grace of the day! Hang in there, God the Great Improviser always turns hardships on their head and works them for His glory!