Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Try hard, Love Jesus

I have had to repeat this to myself a lot lately. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I have had to remind myself that I can't make it in life on my own. From crazy UChoir concerts, to voice class, to finals and papers, to Dr. Appts in Va. Life is tough, but I know I can't do it on my own.

There is less than a week left. (Well, then finals). Crazy huh!? This semester has gone by fast, but I can say that it has been a good one. I have done so much better with grades than last year, which is def a great thing. Working and doing other activities have left me stressed as usual but whats new?! But you know what? I will make it. I have before and today is no different.

Christmas is coming soooon! Working on Christmas cards as we speak! I get excited, because it means school is almost over, its time to get a christmas tree, and its a great time to spend with family. . . I know I already spend a lot of time with my family, but its always different. Hey, my uncle is coming the weekend of the 8th through the 10th which we are all pretty stoked about. Haven't seen him in a while, and I think it will be good for all of us. Get excited!!

The boy is wonderful. :) Get excited!

Okay, so underware shopping is becoming a fun hobby. . .lol, but what is even cooler is that today I got a $10 dollar off coupon to use during the month of my birthday from my favorite underware place! How cool is that!? Yeah, I got excited.

Well life is a mess but it will get better if we make it better. Remember the good things and find the great things everyday and it will make life tons better. Count your blessings.


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