Monday, July 24, 2006

Almost The End

Well summer is almost over. . . we took our staff picture this morning (which btw I def don't look good in a polo) and we have started week 9. It has been fabulous. God has taught me so much about Him and how I should be working for Him and not for me, and that He is my Anchor. I feel like I have grown up a lot this summer, not just having to live on my own but also just in the things I have learned. I have learned never to leave your bottle of hair gel on the counter and take a nap during staff house clean up because then it will get thrown away. . . I will never again eat the pork from our cafe. . . I will learn that 8:30 is a fabulous time to get up and never complain about the early morning. . . and I will learn that a friendship is worth so much more than anything else, but I am def still working on that! :) It has been a great summer. We have had this ONE summer to do our ONE mission with this ONE staff, and I couldn't have been given a better one. I am looking forward to this year. . . a year filled with new things and a new outlook on something from before, but one thing I don't think I will ever forget is the people I have met this summer, the relationships that were built, and the memories of things I could never explain in words.

Caswell 2006
Ephesians 4:1-7



Heather said...

I miss you my friend, but I"m glad you had this chance and I hope that you continue making the best of it!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad it has been a good summer, even if I did not get you a card in the mail(you know, I am only good for 1 a summer!)If I mail one today...

Sometimes God has to take us out of our comfort zone to stretch us & teach us. It is both an exciting and hard process. enjoy your last few days.