Saturday, September 02, 2006

An Update

School is going great. Enjoying every minute of it. Already worn out, but thats how it goes. I am debating now on whether or not I want to double major. I was talking to my ma about it and she thinks it would be a good idea cause I could do it, but I think now my issue is getting past the talking about it part and actually getting into the classes. Pretty much it might only take a semester or so, but once I get past the actually getting into the major I will be okay. But til then. . .

The weather has been phenominal the past two days. Yeah, I know its been that tropical hurricane thing. . . but have you looked at the sky? Its been beautiful. There were a bunch of really grey clouds but over some trees there was blue sky and the sun was peeking through. Absolutely fabulous.

"Something so great, you just cant keep it to yourself." He is amazing. I miss him tons. Yeah, I don't like to admit it, because I definately don't want another heartbreak. . . and its not like he is 5 bagillion miles away. Anyway. . . just gotta keep telling myself that if our paths are meant to cross, then they will.

Respect is something I think needs to be earned. Once earned it can be lost. Can be lost quick. I am not a fan of the church kid-school kid appearance. I personally believe that you should be one way all the time. It honestly doesnt bother me which way, cause at least you are one person all the time. But this past week I have definately lost a bit of respect to a few people I actually looked up to at one point in time. Kinda sad, but I know as long as I stay one way all the time, I am okay.

Well I guess this is all for now. . . will try to get another update soon!



Anonymous said...

to break your heart would be to not breathe

Breathe: to live; exist

Heather said...

Double major? Music? Tell me more!