Friday, November 03, 2006

Thought of the day.


Sometimes what is on the inside isn’t always what you can see on the outside. This picture has a person you can see their whole self and then in the reflection of the window you can see something totally different; a scared face in the forward person but in the reflection a happy face. It may be usually the other way around, but this, looking at this picture randomly today, gave me a thought. Isn’t it hard to show something different on the outside than what’s on the inside? Why is it that we can’t just take what were given?

James 13-15 (The Message) says:
Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing . . . Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven—healed inside and out.

Every morning when you wake up you have 2 choices. Your first choice is that you can get out of bed and moan and grumble that you just might have to work or go to class. You could be sleepy, and complain about it all day. Make yourself so miserable that you have a terrible day, and then go to bed that night, still complaining, because of that waste of a day. Or, your second choice is that you can wake up first thing in the morning and tell yourself you are going to have a great day. This day was given to you. It was given so that it can be enjoyed and that you can be thankful for another day. Go to work, do what needs to be done and do it glad heartedly. Class is for your future. You go to school to get the information needed to fulfill your life to the fullest.

Be thankful.

You might only have so many left.

If you’re hurting, pray. If you feel great, sing. If you have sinned . . . you can be healed.



Heather said...

you're so smart ;-)

Lawrence said...

nice pic... haha... hope everything is going well!
