Friday, May 12, 2006

Feels like Kindergarten. . . .again. . .

So, there are a few things I have learned in the past few months:

One, ants hurt when they bite. Stay far, far away.
Two, while working at Dairy Queen, it seems to be okay to walk around singing "POP goes the Wesiel" all day long. (It makes it even more fun when other people start to sing along with you)
Three, playing cards is fun. . . when your winning.
Four, getting out of school is great. But, it makes you realize how much you miss from not being there. (I miss Feather!)
Five, hateful attitudes develop because of: 1. Too much sleep. 2. Being around the same people for insane amounts of time.
Six, life moves pretty fast. I move out to Caswell at the end of this month, then come back in August, four days before I move into the dorms. It moves very quickly.
Seven, summertime is exciting, I have seen and talked to quite a few of my friends from HS. Super exciting.
Eight, I found out the other day that one of my ex's is getting married. Happy for him, but wow. . . I dont quite know why it isn't settling with me. I didn't want to get married yet. . . guess that is what he was after after all.

So, there are a few things that have been on my mind lately. Thought I would share!! Hope your weekend goes great!



Heather said...

Aw... first I think I got spider-bit and it hurts too... radiating itchy hurt outwards from the spot... hmm second, just this week I was thinking "where's my lunch buddy" and "what am I to do without a lunch buddy?" third, you aren't allowed to leave until I see you at least one more time so you better be around duh... fourth... uh uh SPACE "give me wiiiide open spaces ;-)" or "home home on the raaaaange waar the deer and the antelope roam... waar seldom is heeeerd a discouraaaaging ward and the skies are not cloudy all day" (if-an you didn't sing that with a severe texas twang, begin agin and sing it liiiike ya mean it!) fourth, no no fifth yah that... wow they start dropping like flies from here sista... so get ready more people will follow suit with greater rapidity than you think is wise ;-)

I am having a lovely quiet house weekend!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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