Friday, August 11, 2006


*There is this song about "Do they see Jesus in me?" and it has actually just popped in my head. Sometimes I go on just knowing what my Maker can do for me and just thinking about it, but then there are times where I don't feel it at all. Times where we can sing a song about him and get "God bumps" and know that he is right there and being able to feel Him right there with me, and then there are those other times where I know He is able to do anything and that I can count and call on Him for the desires of my heart, but I only know that. Don't feel it. I encourage those who read this to make sure you find your Maker in all that you do. Don't just go through the motions of knowing it, but truely feel it.

*This is the last full day of Camp Seabreeze. No more after today until possibly next summer. I am completely excited, yet completely exhausted. I fell asleep looking at stars last night and barely remember coming back to get in my bed. I honestly don't think I made it into the covers, lol. I have tried to give as much as I can and it has definately drained me. But thats okay. My purpose here is not to catch up on some sleep, or to make sure I am happy or even okay, but to be here for the kids that come everyday to Camp Seabreeze and want to be able to enjoy the summer they have. So as it is time for our last day, and then one and a half more I am back home. Back home to go back to the hard long days of school and working, and trying to fit everything in. It will probably be just as hard as it is here, but I can guarantee it will be a whole new idea. Summer is almost over and I have enjoyed every last second of it.

*I am gonna miss my twin from here. She is so great. We have so much in common and have had a blast this summer. Yeah, there are a few hard times. . . or may I say, hard people. . . to work with, but after a few nights at San Felipe and McDonald's trips, I think we have overcome it and allowed us to enjoy the summer with no major issues. Its gonna be hard though, cause she definately lives in Florida and goes to Gardner-Webb, but it works. Many, many, many road trips will be made!

*There is a boy. No I do not like him, and yep, thats probably a lie, but I have to tell myself that. He is such a great guy, with a great heart and he loves Jesus, but there is something about him that, I dont know, but there is something that everyone sees on the outside but when getting to know him, some of the things he portrays are not really anything like him. No, I don't want to date him, well, for one, I still get that nervous stomach feeling when I think about it, and two, I have to wait and see if its a God thing or not. He is a neat guy and friends with him are probably the best thing. . . it is the best thing.

*Last thing. I am going home to a mess. I miss my ma and my sister terribly, along with my church family, but things that I get to go back to I am kinda dreading. I get to go back to two great leaders of the church leaving, and then to a friend that has completely lost his mind and has moved away, and then a school financial issues, which I know every college kid deals with. . . but to look at it the way I do is okay, because one thing I have learned to do is to trust that my Maker can handle it and that there is nothing going to go on that doesn't have a purpose.

Thanks for listening. . . definately a 40 minute blog, lol.



Heather said...

Sometimes we wish we could put time on hold so that when we leave all will be the same when we return--the thing is, it wouldn't be life if there weren't changes.

You are going to have an even more amazing year (and years for that matter) to come. Isn't that wonderful to know? Knowing God loves us despite our infinite stupidity, despite our stumblings.... He's got all these plans for us and he asks us to be a part of them.

I can't wait to hear your further stories ;-) And maybe snag a lunchtime here and there with you.

Lawrence said...

Hey... was on facebook and saw you had a blog and figured I'd check it out. I just wanted to say that Im completely with you on finding God in everything.. Ive had my share of singing and getting "God bumps"... lol... nice way of saying it... I love your faith... Ive never met you but I can tell its def first in your life and that is awesome! Just wanted to let you know how much of an encouragement your post was... and Ill pray for that other stuff you talked about... see you in a little while... -Lawrence