Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New (pretty much a.d.d) Thoughts!

Is LIFE like a box of CHOCOLATES? (I mean, some days, I just can’t associate LIFE with CHOCOLATE. That could just be a sin!)

“Come on everybody, let’s go meet . . . The PANSIES!!”

: Some ways I found that I am definitely fit to be an Ed Major:
~I love cartoons and the Disney Channel.
~Phil of the Future is my favorite.
~I think pretty literally.
~Instances of this just crack me up. But CANNOT be mentioned.
~Any kind of “get together” I find myself attracted to the younger aged, rather than the ones my age.

Meditation Bracelet:
Crack me up. It was a gift from my Ma at DQ, and she def told me it was a meditation bracelet . . . which she is btw Buddhist and believes in the same God I do, which makes it even funnier.

Learning moment . . . or epiphany . . . either way you choose:
Who cares? The past is the past and CANNOT be changed. Move on. Try hard to not repeat mistakes, and LOVE Jesus. Duh.

School Days:
School is almost over. 10 more days of classes. I have a concert tomorrow that I have to be up unbelievably early to be in Gboro by 715. Makes for a long day, but it should be fun. I have done soon much better this semester too, which is def a positive . . . I sucked at life the past two, so this makes up for it lol.

All right that’s about it. . . hope your having a great week, and don’t be too distracted about where my thoughts were going on this one!!



Heather said...

a bit o' randomness is good for ye now and agin'!

Mike said...

Fun posts! Cool about the Buddhist meditation bracelet.

Lyrical One said...

Randomness is necessary...it's like the mind clearing out the recycle bin...I'm not sure what that means for those who are always random. I myself am never random...: )

Lyrical One said...

Wait...did you say chocolate...