Friday, September 29, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mmm, great day.

Today has def been a much better day. Things have gone great, had an exciting morning and am finishing out my day with a fun event.

I got the opportunity to go to my old high schools See You At The Pole this morning. It turned out great. Its really exciting to see youth on fire for our Maker. Some even brought tears to my eyes realizing that they love him.

I got a chance to spend some time with my family this morning, which is always good. . . and finally got my car inspected! Yay! (since it was due in oh, i dont know, MAY!) But it feels good to finally get that, and my ma, off my back.

I miss this kid soooo much. It breaks my heart that I can't go see him this weekend. I know I am always busy and doing something, but sometimes, I have to. Its the way I am built. I am a busy girl, and love every bit of it. I can't wait however to see him. That great face. :) Big hug is on hold for that one, and its driving me crazy that I can't have one now!! (PS, just for you, I heard "Come Just As You Are" on the radio this morning, and because of a fabulous memory, you have been on my mind ALL DAY LONG!)

Its funny how people randomly come back into your life. Two instances today where people I haven't seen or heard from in forever just randomly pop up, like driving out of the bookstore parking lot today as I was walking by. . . crazy huh?! Yeah, I though so too. But who knows. My Maker may have something in store. Just got to be patient. . . especially when it comes to a boy in Boone.

So today was a great day. I am def getting ready to take a nap, because 6oclock came really early this morning! Hope you have had a great day too!!


Monday, September 25, 2006

Bad day.

To make this day worse, I would probably have to become injured. It has been that bad.


Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A great day.

Today I can honestly say has been a pretty good day. It has been real positive. . . well except for just a bit of motivation getting out of the bed earlier than 5 minutes before class. . . but it works.

I think its great for people to change. Its the best thing ever actually. The only negative part about change is going back to old habits. I believe that you are going to mess up but that you should try to steer clear of things that you know will lead you back in the opposite direction. The only way I know that change is positive is when you try hard, and love Jesus.

I have so much going on within this semester. Honestly, the month of October is going to be crazy. Its going to be a blast, including getting to spend time with a special friieeennndd, and going to the mountains, and a beach trip, and much much more, but it will be long and I can't wait but I dread it at the same time lol. Never good, but oh so exciting!

My Ma and Sister got back on Monday. They are good, and my sister is going to have some more testing and whatnot done very soon, so if you would remember her in your prayers.

My Maker is awesome, and is with me everyday. . . couldn't be more exciting!

I hope you have a great rest of the week, and know that everyday is new, and HIS mercy is NEW EVERY MORNING!!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006


"Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D Souza. He said, "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way, so, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one.

So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy...Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt, and
Dance Like no one's watching."

(The link where this was found is in the title. . . I did not write this, but this was encouraging for me today!)


Monday, September 18, 2006

Just When I Need Him Most

Just when I need him, Jesus is near,
Just when I falter, just when I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to cheer,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him, Jesus is true,
Never forsaking all the way thro';
Giving for burdens pleasures anew,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him, Jesus is strong,
Bearing my burdens all the day long;
For all my sorrow giving a song,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him, he is my all,
Answering when upon him I call;
Tenderly watching lest I should fall,
Just when I need him most.

Just when I need him most,
Just when I need him most;
Jesus is near to comfort and cheer,
Just when I need him most.

Will­iam C. Poole, 1907

Friday, September 15, 2006

Another day, another glorious day!

Gosh, I miss that silly boy! To see him would probably be the best thing in the world.

My sis is still gone. . . hopefully they will be home on Monday. I definately can not wait.

Its been a busy but kinda stressful week. Tomorrow and Sunday will be so nice, because I will get to relax a bit and spend some time for "me". I know that sounds funny, but I am just one of those people who need me time, otherwise, well. . .it won't be too pretty. I just get a little "people overwhelmed". :) But thats just me~

My Maker has been working a lot in me lately. He is allowing me to see things in a different aspect rather than I guess how I have originally viewed things. For example, a silly boy, and not being able to see him, and I guess getting frusterated with it because we just can't find time to get together. I hate that. But, I have been really trying to trust in HIM to know whether or not this is what He has in store, and just believing in HIM to bring us together. I honestly really really hope that we are something He has planned, cause this guy has to be the most amazing person ever~! Just the things he says, and the little notes he leaves with things that I can read and smile over because I know he is thinking about me, and well, since I can't see him, all I can do is talk to him and email and whatnot. . . but I tell you what, lately my day wouldnt be complete without hearing from him in some way, preferably his voice :) hehe, but it really wouldnt be complete. I just look forward to that all the time, and honestly, I love every bit of it! But all I can do is keep looking up, otherwise it wouldn't have come this far~

Days are great, and things keep getting better. All I can do is thank my Maker though, cause I have definately had nothing to do with it!

"You don't even know what tomorrow will bring-what your life will be! For you are a bit of smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, 'If the LORD wills, we will live and do this or that'". James 4:14-16


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Great Times!

This is the greatest girl you will ever meet in your life. I am really kinda worried about her though. . .but oh God has so much in store for her and I can't wait to see what that is! I love her to death, and honestly would give all that I am for her. She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for! (and an even better sister) You should be jealous, cause she is my sister and not yours!! :) Keep her in your prayers this week. . . she is having some testing and monitoring done in UVa and I really hope this is a positive step! I think it has already brought her self esteem up ginormously and she has become so brave!

Yay for a brave and wonderful sister!


Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Lighter Side of the VA Trip.

(I will finish the other one later.)

VA Trip

Skunks are bad, they are NOT your friends.
About 3 Starbucks trips.
Sketch-city RR stop.
Dinner at a smelly Wendy's.
Random "friend" chit-chats.
Scary fog (Scary frog) ((Scary tree)).
"Oh, I didn't know we were going to the mountains!"
"Look at him passing me like a maniac. Why didn't I think of that?"
3 point turns in mid traffic
Su madre.
Su madre loco.
"I pissed it, oops I mean I missed it!"
Nurkle head.
"Now hiring 3 BBQ bacon jack melts (for 3.99)."
Today, I learned how to stop at crosswalks.
"McDonald's, Eat Fresh!"
"He had some fuzzy thing sticking out from his butt."
"YOU are the froth of my coffee."
"YOU are the caramel of my latte."
Oh, toilet seats.
"I don't know if he knows or not, but it's clear glass."

Okay, so if you didn't know, my sis had a doctor appointment at UVa on Thursday, so me ma and her took off and had a blast. The testing went well, but just keep her in your prayers! :)


"Love is stronger than any addiction. . . hell, it is one" - Madea

If there is one thing I have learned from a movie, it has to be from Madea. Yeah, she/he whatever is a strange character, but her quotes and thoughts have to be the greatest thing I have heard. Great times.

There have been a few things lately that I have really been struggling with. I feel like a teeter-totter. . . you know, at one point you and Abba are right there together and your allowing him to guide you, and then right after that you are back where you started and are trying to do things on your own. Well, as I was talking about this to Him, this song continues to come to mind. . . I included the majority of the lyrics:

**When I cannot feel, when my wounds don't heal
Lord I humbly kneel, hidden in You
Lord, You are my life so I don't mind to die
Just as long as I am hidden in You

If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me
Nothing could touch me though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by

When I know I’ve sinned when I should have been
Crying out my God and hidden in you
Lord I need you now, more than I know how
So I humbly bow, hidden in you

If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me
Nothing could touch me though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by**

I know the only way I will ever make it through is to take time just to sit, just to listen and to hear what my Maker is telling me. . . I have to keep telling myself that I can't do it on my own and everytime I feel that way, this song keeps coming to mind and it allows me to remember to sit and to listen and to stop trying to do things my way.

I have had a great first few weeks of school. Its amazing the difference in commuting and living on campus. I love my roomate, I couldnt have asked for a better one! I have made some great friends, and continued to develop friendships with ones from before.

I got the chance to have a conversation with a friend the other night, and we were just talking about risks and why its good to take them sometimes. I haven't been a big risk taker lately. . . I guess its out of fear of being hurt again. One thing he told me though was basically that I will never get over that fear of getting hurt unless I put myself in a place where there are possibilities. No, its not saying that I should hold up a sign that says "I am ready for disaster" but it is telling me that I should just put the past behind me and look at today. Yeah, the past seems to still be around, for instance a phone call the other morning that about made me wet myself. . .but who knows. . . I won't unless I take a risk. . .or for better word, a chance. Take that opportunity and go with it. (When I am given the opportunity, I will know, and then I can go with it!)

I miss caswell. I miss the family feeling, my kids, the long walks or jogs on the beach when I needed "me" time. . . I miss the feeling of being home there. But I tell you what, I may not be there right now, but it is definately in my heart and constantly in my thoughts. I guess the roads of Buies Creek for my "me" time is good enough. :)

Well its pretty late. . . starting to sound like my friieenndd staying up so late. By the way, great guy. Amazing guy. (I mean, he fits my standards hehe). Anyway, hopefully I will get to write again soon. . . well this is kind of a long one, so it may be a while!


Saturday, September 02, 2006

An Update

School is going great. Enjoying every minute of it. Already worn out, but thats how it goes. I am debating now on whether or not I want to double major. I was talking to my ma about it and she thinks it would be a good idea cause I could do it, but I think now my issue is getting past the talking about it part and actually getting into the classes. Pretty much it might only take a semester or so, but once I get past the actually getting into the major I will be okay. But til then. . .

The weather has been phenominal the past two days. Yeah, I know its been that tropical hurricane thing. . . but have you looked at the sky? Its been beautiful. There were a bunch of really grey clouds but over some trees there was blue sky and the sun was peeking through. Absolutely fabulous.

"Something so great, you just cant keep it to yourself." He is amazing. I miss him tons. Yeah, I don't like to admit it, because I definately don't want another heartbreak. . . and its not like he is 5 bagillion miles away. Anyway. . . just gotta keep telling myself that if our paths are meant to cross, then they will.

Respect is something I think needs to be earned. Once earned it can be lost. Can be lost quick. I am not a fan of the church kid-school kid appearance. I personally believe that you should be one way all the time. It honestly doesnt bother me which way, cause at least you are one person all the time. But this past week I have definately lost a bit of respect to a few people I actually looked up to at one point in time. Kinda sad, but I know as long as I stay one way all the time, I am okay.

Well I guess this is all for now. . . will try to get another update soon!
