Monday, March 17, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now . . .

I’m not going to lie. I hate getting angry with someone . . . but honestly, I haven’t been like that since I’ve gotten into college. I guess sometimes we just lose our cool, and get mad.

So my question of the week is: why do we sometimes lose our cool, and say things and do things that we know get under the skin of others?

I really thing majority of the time, when we get our feelings hurt, it makes us “immediately” feel better by hurting the other persons feelings. While it makes us feel satisfied for the time being, later on, it makes us feel awful.

I try hard to let the little petty things go; a dirty living room, a messy kitchen, getting woken up at 3 and 4 in the morning by loud voices. . . I try to let these things go. The hardest part though, is that once you think you let them go, you still keep them in the back of your mind and they keep piling up, until that one day, one small thing is really a big deal to you, because you have all of those other things that are right there with it. You blow up, and make a big deal, but to them it is stupid and shouldn’t be a cause for an argument, but for you, it’s a big deal because it has built for a long time and it comes out all at once.

This can’t be good for your mind. But why do we do it? Why do we keep things inside, thinking that this is the best thing?

I learn daily. I learn how to better things by looking at how they failed. I learn that if a puppy has to tinkle, he really has to go right that second, not a second more. I learned that when you have to wear some glasses for driving, you can avoid a headache by looking through them.

I got a new pair of glasses recently. They make me see better while driving. They honestly help me see better 90% of the time. For the first day, I tried getting used to them but as I kept taking them off, my head started hurting. It was because I kept taking them off and putting them on, and my eyes had a hard time focusing. I lost focus of things because I didn’t look at it through the glasses; the helpers.

I think that I often do that. I often try to look at things through my own eyes, rather than the ones that are there to help me see more clear. I don’t see the good things because I keep looking for the bad. I don’t understand things, because I don’t want to. Why is it that when we are given help, we don’t use it because we think the way that we do things is always better?

God gives us help when we need it most. We don’t always ask for it, but he always provides at the right time. He gives us the glasses to see things the better way, the more clear way. Sometimes we just need to let go and take the glasses and see our life the way he sees it. Maybe it is then that we will see our own mistakes, and stop looking for the mistakes of others. Maybe it is then that we will realize how much of a difference it makes when we don’t do everything by ourselves; that we can see how much he can provide if we just allow him to guide us. Maybe if we just let our prideful guard down, he can bring happiness and joy that we haven’t seen in a while.

If we just look through the glasses that we’ve been given, maybe we will see much clearer.


Heather said...

(first off because I see the blaring whiteness... thanks a lot for sharing my pastiness!)

We were talking about being transparent the other day in SS class and what that really means. To say what you mean, honestly, sincerely, with love and maybe a bit of grace (giving a bit of grace that is). I find myself dwelling on some past issues these days that cause me great sadness, so I know what you mean about storing up... I started reading the Screwtape Letters again--it's super hard for me to get into and sometimes I think that's a Satan thing, what's in the book is so true and so obvious, I'll have to send you some snippets. But basically the gist is when our focus is anywhere but on the Son, our world goes dark.

sarawr said...

it's funny that i would stumble across this, because these are the things in my life right now. i really like what you have to say about God giving us the things that will help us and how, often, we just don't use them, we try to work it out how we know how. and i'm learning that just turns everything into a terrific mess, and so it's got to be God, i've got to let him. thanks for great insight and a great post!

also, one other cool thing - i go to uncw, too =)!