Monday, March 03, 2008

I'm No Superman

Its’ funny the things you can learn from movies or TV shows. One of my favorite’s lately has been Scrubs. I mean, the theme song says “I can’t do this all on my own. I’m no superman.” It is kind of funny. When you really think about it . . . we can’t do it all on our own. We are not superman. As sad as it sounds, if we think we can continue on through this life all by ourselves, we’re really wrong. This is where those loved ones come in to play; those friends who are back home who cut out the pieces, those that you love from the bottom of your heart who actually put the picture on the puzzle pieces, and then the new friends you make who add the gloss to the puzzle to make it pretty . . . yet sometimes, that puzzle never gets put together. The really funny thing is that it only gets taken apart as we continue on through this life, trying to put these pieces together. Mistakes, wrong decisions, and then just “bad days”, take that puzzle apart and put it away, until that one moment, of that one day when you realize, it’s your puzzle. It’s your life. You help place the pieces, but it’s already laid out for you. . .

. . . Hey, it’s your puzzle. Put it together.

I think every day is full of tiny little tests. Some are tests of character. Some are tests of fortitude. Others are tests of friendship. And if you’re lucky, when it really matters, you’ll pass with flying colors. – JD Scrubs

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