Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Try hard, Love Jesus

I have had to repeat this to myself a lot lately. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I have had to remind myself that I can't make it in life on my own. From crazy UChoir concerts, to voice class, to finals and papers, to Dr. Appts in Va. Life is tough, but I know I can't do it on my own.

There is less than a week left. (Well, then finals). Crazy huh!? This semester has gone by fast, but I can say that it has been a good one. I have done so much better with grades than last year, which is def a great thing. Working and doing other activities have left me stressed as usual but whats new?! But you know what? I will make it. I have before and today is no different.

Christmas is coming soooon! Working on Christmas cards as we speak! I get excited, because it means school is almost over, its time to get a christmas tree, and its a great time to spend with family. . . I know I already spend a lot of time with my family, but its always different. Hey, my uncle is coming the weekend of the 8th through the 10th which we are all pretty stoked about. Haven't seen him in a while, and I think it will be good for all of us. Get excited!!

The boy is wonderful. :) Get excited!

Okay, so underware shopping is becoming a fun hobby. . .lol, but what is even cooler is that today I got a $10 dollar off coupon to use during the month of my birthday from my favorite underware place! How cool is that!? Yeah, I got excited.

Well life is a mess but it will get better if we make it better. Remember the good things and find the great things everyday and it will make life tons better. Count your blessings.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New (pretty much a.d.d) Thoughts!

Is LIFE like a box of CHOCOLATES? (I mean, some days, I just can’t associate LIFE with CHOCOLATE. That could just be a sin!)

“Come on everybody, let’s go meet . . . The PANSIES!!”

: Some ways I found that I am definitely fit to be an Ed Major:
~I love cartoons and the Disney Channel.
~Phil of the Future is my favorite.
~I think pretty literally.
~Instances of this just crack me up. But CANNOT be mentioned.
~Any kind of “get together” I find myself attracted to the younger aged, rather than the ones my age.

Meditation Bracelet:
Crack me up. It was a gift from my Ma at DQ, and she def told me it was a meditation bracelet . . . which she is btw Buddhist and believes in the same God I do, which makes it even funnier.

Learning moment . . . or epiphany . . . either way you choose:
Who cares? The past is the past and CANNOT be changed. Move on. Try hard to not repeat mistakes, and LOVE Jesus. Duh.

School Days:
School is almost over. 10 more days of classes. I have a concert tomorrow that I have to be up unbelievably early to be in Gboro by 715. Makes for a long day, but it should be fun. I have done soon much better this semester too, which is def a positive . . . I sucked at life the past two, so this makes up for it lol.

All right that’s about it. . . hope your having a great week, and don’t be too distracted about where my thoughts were going on this one!!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hmm. . . Just some thoughts

I was thinking I would do something different for this one . . . but then I thought about it and it’s pretty much the same as always . . . a random bunch of Me thoughts.

Everyone has a song. . . YOUR own song . . . but has your song lost its joy? Find the joy in your song again. . . If you need help, ask. HE can show you the joy in your song again.

(Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good; he protects his people in times of trouble; he takes care of those who turn to Him) I tell you what, my God has been MORE than GOOD to me!

Why is it that we get scared? Scared of things like getting in front of a large group of people . . . scared of walking down a walkway alone . . . scared of opening up to those close to you.
Why is it that we get this way? Is it because we then have to show weakness? I was watching a TV show the other day about how a girl was running track, but she didn’t think she could handle it and wanted to quit. . .until she finally opened up to someone close to her and found out that they felt the same way. . . all the time.

Heartbreak hurts. Everyone knows this. But . . . without hurt, there is not learning and growing.

Fear of hurting someone else? Messing things up? Taking things too fast. . . I was told that if both feel that way then why be afraid? Pretty much I took it as if both are on the same sheet of music and something is done wrong, both can find the mistake and fix it before moving on. . .

If it is His will, no fear . . . Consistently ask that there is no fear . . . that its never too early or too late . . . that its okay to take your time . . . things happen for a reason and it is all in a perfect plan. HIS perfect plan. HE makes things happen.

Ladies! Hold on to your teeth!!! (A lady said this on our women’s retreat) *crack up*

Yeah, I know, random . . . but it at least gives a little of what I have been thinking about lately.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Thought of the day.


Sometimes what is on the inside isn’t always what you can see on the outside. This picture has a person you can see their whole self and then in the reflection of the window you can see something totally different; a scared face in the forward person but in the reflection a happy face. It may be usually the other way around, but this, looking at this picture randomly today, gave me a thought. Isn’t it hard to show something different on the outside than what’s on the inside? Why is it that we can’t just take what were given?

James 13-15 (The Message) says:
Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing . . . Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven—healed inside and out.

Every morning when you wake up you have 2 choices. Your first choice is that you can get out of bed and moan and grumble that you just might have to work or go to class. You could be sleepy, and complain about it all day. Make yourself so miserable that you have a terrible day, and then go to bed that night, still complaining, because of that waste of a day. Or, your second choice is that you can wake up first thing in the morning and tell yourself you are going to have a great day. This day was given to you. It was given so that it can be enjoyed and that you can be thankful for another day. Go to work, do what needs to be done and do it glad heartedly. Class is for your future. You go to school to get the information needed to fulfill your life to the fullest.

Be thankful.

You might only have so many left.

If you’re hurting, pray. If you feel great, sing. If you have sinned . . . you can be healed.
