Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Today is the day. Today is Feb 27, 2006. The only Feb 27, 2006 you get. Make the most of it.

Days get harder and harder. One day you think you are finally caught up, but the next day you realize you are now a day behind. School, work, church, friends, babysitting, work, sleep. . . the list just gets longer. I can handle it though.

I am so excited about this summer. As the days keep going, I get more and more excited! I cant wait to see what God has in store for me, or even for all of us that will be there! Great fun!

I am getting ready to leave on a Choir Tour with the CU choir. . . I think I am excited. . .but that may be just because I get to go and travel, and sing, and hang out with people, which all I really like to do. Lets hope it turns out as good as I think it will.

Life is good. Its moving on whether your ready or not. (Key: be ready)

So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.
Matthew 6:34 NLT


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Oh! Crazy Days!

Lately, every day has been crazier than the one before. When will all this madness end!? No, but for serious. I have been either frusterated or completely overwhelmed everyday for the past 2 weeks. School is frusterating, so is work, and it really is all my fault. Priorities are a little gone, and thats it. Now its just putting them all back together.

Went to interview weekend, and it went pretty good. Met lots of people, got to see some of my friends from the past summer(s), so it definately works. I got hired to work at Caswell, which I am super excited! After going through the interviews and stuff, that one was my favorite. Definately excited that is where I will be spending my summer.

Every day gets longer and harder, but I can go on. I will. I have no choice actually :). Well I guess this is all for now. Just wanted to give a little update!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.

Wow, Valentines day. Crazy isn't it? Good crazy. A fun kind of crazy. I enjoy it. :)

Today while working, I know there were at least 50 vases of flowers delivered to the students. Thats exciting! You know the feeling. . . you find a dozen roses or an assortment of great flowers, and they are for you. From someone special. The faces of the ones who came to pick them up were happy. That inner joy comes out from something as simple as a flower.

I enjoyed my day. I went to my classes and worked, and then babysat the greatest kids in the world, got in yet another big arguement with my sister. . .yeah, I enjoyed my day. But all the same, just another day in the neighborhood.

Interview weekend is this weekend. I am super excited. I get to see one of my favorite people! I just pray it goes well and that I can be placed in a job that will best fit for the plans for the summer.

Well, I guess that is pretty much it. . . living life day to day, trying not to worry about things of the past or things of the future, but just today. Tomorrow, I will think about tomorrow. Life will get better. Just gotta take it one step at a time.


Thursday, February 02, 2006


February. Already. Minor note, Choco Cherry Love is the Blizzard of the month. Just a FYI.

School isn't going too bad. Getting ready for my week of tests.

This past weekend, the UC had the "Spring Choir Retreat". Honestly, I was dreading it OH so much. But I got there, and after singing and playing some games and eating, I really ended up having a good time. This semester with Choir is going to be a lot of fun. I think I make myself crazy about stupid little things.

Coffee and Diet Pepsi get me in trouble. I have become so addicted to caffeine that when I realized I was gaining a little bit of weight, I decided to quit drinking it so much. Well these past few days have been terrible. You never know how addicted to it you get until you stop it for a while. Its pretty bad when you have to drink a cup of coffee just to make it through the day.

I think I am going to skip Valentines day this year. I have had a lot of things on my mind about dating, and I havent been single for soooo long and these past few months have been good and bad. Yeah, its a long process, learning and developing better relationships with my friends that I have messed up before, but I am glad. No dating for right now and fixing my relationship part of my life seems like a good idea.
Anyway. . . Ok so these fellas went swimming in the ocean over new years. . . Yeah, I took pictures, but it was funny. I think at one point I was talking to someone about people actually swimming in the cold ocean. Crazy? Absolutely.

Well I am done for now.
