Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Boots and Boys

You know what’s funny? I can go for almost a year (or in this most recent case, a few months) and not want to write a thing. . .or think about writing and just never get around to it, and then all of a sudden have a desire to write down all of these things that are going around in my mind?! Funny.

5th Grade
I love teaching. . . no doubt about that. However, this half-year that I have been teaching has been so stressful! I just hate how much I want for my kids that they just don’t get to it. I guess my expectations are high. I guarantee something. . .no matter how much I love it, I will constantly have hardships to learn from.

I don’t know what it is, but while her lifestyle is kinda crappy, some of her lyrics have strong meanings that have that sort of older Taylor Swift feeling. My favorite: . . .yeah just look them up  Be aware, some are not as clean as they should be. . .but amusing 

The Showgram
Addiction: I love Bob and the Showgram. . . my day just isn’t complete without the morning laugh and of course all four of my coffee-date friends. 6-10 on G105. Fun stuff!

Oh boy, here we come!

Costa Rica
I get to go to Costa Rica in less than 2 weeks! I am so excited! It will be nice to get away and hang out on a vacation with Daniel and the fam. I miss him a lot. . .it will be wonderful to finally catch up and hear all about him and his adventures! He thinks he is gonna get me on a surfboard . . . we’ll see. . I just might!

He’s precious. Def my best buddy!

Sometimes I think its just a matter of talking things out so I can understand them fully. . .or at least a little bit better. Maybe that’s why I have a stressful few months and then am able to relax a little. . .soul searching. . . finding me before I can be with anyone else. Maybe something that I have been waiting for for a long time is coming my way. All I can do is keep my focus on my Maker and let his plans for my life fall into place, preferably without “mine” getting in the way. He’s awesome and has blessed me beyond imagination. . .I regrettably don’t thank him enough. . .if you don’t know him, ask. . .cause He is worth meeting! (For sure!)

Don't care where, work it out
Let me break it down.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hiiii, nice synopsis. Boots?

I hope you have a great time on your traveling! Come back with stories to tell and pictures to share!
