Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Day Before Christmas

It's almost Christmas time. . . and I am super excited. . . well,except that its only 75 degrees out and doesn't feel like Christmas at all!!! I do however love the Christmas tree, and the lights that I can stare at for hours at a time and just smile thinking about all the great memories around the Christmas tree. Pretty exciting.

This guy is probably the greatest kid I have ever met in forever. He amazes me every single day and its wonderful. . . I can't wait to see what's going to happen with this! I crack myself up sometimes, because of how nervous I get around him when I know that I will be great and its going to be very enjoyable, I mean, his company always is. . . but man do I ever get nervous! Like crazy nervous, to the point of loss of appetite. ME! Loss of appetite! Isn't that a mess! Anyway, I could probably talk about him ALL DAY, so we'll move on.

This past semester went real good I think. I did a lot better on grades than I did last semester. Been doing the Dairy Queen and Parking Office thing, which has tired me out like crazy. This next semester I am through with DQ and I did apply to be an RA, but haven't heard anything yet. . . But if I don't get that, I still won't be at DQ and will probably just pick up extra hours at the parking office. Not to bad, but I do know that living on campus has helped a lot with stress and driving, and even my grades, so thats all a plus. I just got to remember that life is all taken care of, that I just have to lift it all up to my Maker.

My sister has an appointment on January 5th to meet with the surgeon. Scares the mess out of me that she is this close to surgery, but then I think of all the things that could benefit for her out of all this, so again, I just have to trust Him to be in the midst of it all. Keep her in your prayers.

Well, life is hard, and gets harder everyday, but its those 1000 little moments that get you through. I'll take 1000 over 1 anyday, and I def get excited about that!


1 comment:

Heather said...

Loverly, well I hope your Christmas was as nice as mine... I haven't worn the pj bottoms yet or the socks... maybe I should just wear those to church some time :)