Sunday, June 18, 2006

Questions. . .

I def have a question. . . this past week or so, I have been really struggling with my past. . . and getting over my past or what not. There are things that I know I have been forgiven for, but it still lingers, and I almost feel like I'm not worthy of being forgiven or whatever. I know I messed up and I know I will again, but how can I feel like its going to be okay? Just really bothering me that I feel like I can't forgive myself.

Pray. . . I know thats my answer. My Maker is fabulous. You should meet Him. :)



Heather said...

As a wise sage once said "leave your behind in the past" pumba (the lion king).

Imagine that your past is a stick. This stick is an ornatingly carved awesome piece of wood--much like a walking stick. Imagine this walking stick is the story of your life, so yes there are scars and nicks in it were perhaps there didn't have to be.

Now you can use this wonderful stick to be your learning tool (if you will) or you can allow that stick to hit you over the head or trip you because it lies on the ground. As long as the stick is not in the right hands, man you are in big stinking trouble.

I'm sad to say that my walking stick ends up being my battering ram and sometimes it incapacitates me, but it doesn't have to... that's the thing, it doesn't have to...

Yes, the Sunday school answer is pray... but you have to allow for that whole, "we are human and make mistakes" thing or the stick seems more like a huge log pounding you into the ground.

It bothers you, that's good because you know that while you should learn from the past, it hurts that whatever happened back then can't stay there the way it should. I would pray that by the grace of God, I'd see it differently and that I'd be able to let go... because sometimes it's not so easy to say, "i'm letting go of this" you have to ask for that grace first.

I ramble, I'm sorry if it didn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

O, fabulous one! I know how much past can become a burden, but, remember as well that it is Satan who is our accuser. He knows that we are forgiven, so making accusations against us to God(remember the story of JOb?)is worthless. Therefore, he has to make accusations to one who will still listen; in this case, you.
He would love to make you ineffective, or at least make you believe you are ineffective, incapacitated by your past mistakes. However, God has promised us that He can take even our past mistakes and use them to glorify HIm. He doesn't will our sin by any means, but if we are willing to be transparent about our own failures, He can use even those things we are ashamed of to reach others.

How to get yourself beyond your past is to realize that, other than if God is telling you to ask for forgiveness from a person, is to realize that once God has forgiven it, it is gone unless you bring it back up. Easier said than done, as is much of our walk.

Not nearly as poetic as miss feather's response and maybe not helpful at all. I will pray for you to find peace with it all.