Friday, March 10, 2006

Choir Tour 2006

What: CU Choir Tour
When: March 2, 2006 thru March 9, 2006
Where: OBX NC
Who: Hmm obviously the University Choir, but I may be wrong.

After having second thoughts about going on tour, this week was completely different than I thought it would be. We went to several churches and a shopping mall to sing. Pretty exciting huh? The friendships I made and the fun I was able to have still blows my mind. I guess God wanted me to see things in a different light, and I was really able to. It was really a fabulous trip, but I am so glad to be home and be able to rest a bit and see some of my friends and family here. I wouldnt take back this trip for anything.

We had to stay each night with a different "host home" which was a family that had offered to house a few of us in the choir for the night. Great homes actually. I stayed with Megan. Great girl. Became really good friends because of it. God showed me a lot throughout the events that occured in the trip. Dont want to say what they are but I have basically learned that I really need to trust in him to direct me.

Last night when I got home, I had to meet with my small group, for the 40 days of purpose campaign that my church is doing. For my first meeting I was able to really enjoy just learning and spending time with more people. I am really excited about what else is going to happen throughout the rest of the semester.

Well, got two more days without my family here with me, but I needed some ME time definately.

I'm out~


1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm glad you went, see sometimes second guessing just makes the first few moments ones of dread instead of enjoyment :) "what if..." is often just plain confusing... because who knows until it happens.