Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm Not Brave

I have noticed a lot about me in the past few months. . .more like 6 months to a year. I can talk a lot and make myself seem really strong and brave, but I'm really not . . .def not even close.

School makes me nervous. I am constantly trying to keep my head above water. That's really tough, especially when the kids don't care, and I have so much to do and so much I want to do, but I just feel like the "worth" is not there when I want it to be.

I learned a lot in church today. . . and while it may have not been from the Preacher, but I did learn from God's word.

We are "good" based on human standards. . . but what about God's standards? We are looking at our purpose in life by looking at what WE as humans think our life is all about. God gives us "standards" to follow and live by, and we continuously refuse to follow them.

One Tribe - BEP

"I (heart) ______".
It is not a matter of WAITING for something "good" to happen. It's a matter of preparing yourself for the unexpected. While it might be easier to pass the blame, It is inevitably my fault for not preparing correctly. It's like I was ready to run a marathon, yet trained and prepared for a swimming whatever it is. While the love for someone is deep and rooted, it doesn't grow unless it is watered or given nourishment. Eventually, those roots become old and dry. The ground is no longer providing for those roots the nourishment that they need, so what does the foundation do then? It no longer provides and the nutrients to build that love is gone, and it can't survive. It can of course be re-rooted, but that takes a lot of change and work. While it is possible, it would be better to nourish those already laid out roots. Without work, there is no love. Just a place where that love used to be.

It's the same way with God. We "love" Him, but our roots become dry and under nourished, unfortunately more often than not. But, it can be watered and taken care of. . . and sometimes re-rooted. God allows it to happen. Why don't we learn that? When will we learn that? The same way with God is the same way with Men.

I'll learn one of these days. One day, I'll be brave.