Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lots to Talk About

I really haven't written in a long time. . . I know, I'm a slacker. . . but its okay. You get an update now!

School is going pretty well. I haven't had to hard of a time with my classes, well except for the stressing to get all my work in on time kinda hard time, but does that really count? Staying busy. . . but thats nothing new either.

I like being an RA. . . but there are definitely sometimes that I really miss actually working. Like a “real job” what I figure. Yeah, I am getting paid for this, but I feel really lazy, and I hate that feeling. But I was at one point considering not doing it again next year, but then I thought about how I am not a quitter, and I like to really give a job the go-run, so in other words, I am giving it another year.

Krissy has been in the hospital for quite a few days now. She had her first surgery, one where they put a grid on her brain with 139 electrodes in it so they can monitor her seizures. She is supposed to have a bunch of seizures so they can tell exactly where they are coming from, and eventually they want to take out the place of her brain that are causing them. Very scary, but very much a miracle. Big Miracle. Only He can make that happen.

I got the most beautiful flowers ever for Valentines day. . . they are so beautiful. But whats really sad, is that I got them on my visit to see my favorite person ever. . . and then I was headed up to VA to see my sister, and in stead of bringing them inside, I left them in my car, with the window cracked, but they froze. I was super sad. I am still super sad. But I know they were beautiful, and that the person who gave them to me is the greatest ever. Speaking of him, I got to see him this past weekend, and I have to say I had a lot of fun with him. Like him a lot, and can't wait to spend more time with him. It snowed. Did I mention that? Yeah, I am not a fan of snow, but something about being there with him, and it snowing. . . kinda made it a bit special. I usually don't like snow, but for some reason, loved every bit of it this past weekend. Crazy huh? Yeah, I'm crazy. . . for him.

One thing that has really been on my mind lately is things becoming “real”. Something that came to mind during interviews, which I will talk about in a minute, was when talking about events from last summer, one of my favorites was when we went on a walk through the life of Jesus. We were blindfolded and all we could do was listen and follow. It made his life real. You can read the story over and over again, but sometimes it never sets in until you experience it, or until it is made real. One thing that has been sort of an encouragement is to make things that seem impossible, real. My walk with my maker. . . I can't ever really know what He is saying or what He wants me to do without really walking with Him and allowing myself to clear my mind and listen. Making our conversations “real”. Just a thought!

Interviews were the weekend before last. I really enjoyed mine. I def talked a lot. . . but I am hoping I get to be 2nd in command for Sea breeze :). But we shall see how that goes!

Spring Break is coming up. . . and I have quite a bit to do before then. . . I have to do a dorm program, which might be some fun, but we will see. . . then I have Choir tour that weekend, then a week lol, then my sweetie is coming that weekend, and there is a Youth Rally at my church. Pretty exciting and pretty busy at the same time. Get excited. I at least get a break and get to see my sweetie.

Well thats pretty much it for now. . . there is probably a bit more to talk about, but I can't remember right now. . . anyway, have a great week!
